AGM 2024 (Page 1)

Dear Teams,

The following are the main points of what was agreed at the AGM on 14th December. These will be captured in the Rules when printed.
1. Bad behaviour of teams will not be tolerated regardless of whose fault it is. The Committee will decide what action will be taken.
2. A Substitute wicketkeeper will be allowed, as long as they are a registered member of the squad.
3. From season 2024 the rain-affected cut-off times will change from 2.50 pm to 4.00 pm. We will be allowing extra time to get games on due to Bad weather. A T20 League game can be played if it starts no later than 4.00 pm. No T20 Double Headers will be played in the return fixtures if games are called off for rain.
4. No DUKES balls will be allowed to be used in our league. Umpires decision is final on the quality of the spare ball used.
5. Divisions Structure – The league will Start on Sunday 21st April for all divisions.
10 Teams per Division, 3 Teams Promoted, 3 Teams Relegated. Premiership will have a play-off system – Same as season 2023.
6. Premier Division Play-Off - 25th August. 15th September is the date of the Final. (Subject to weather, if play-off matches are called off due to the weather then the team finishing higher will be deemed the winners. The Committee will decide if there are any disputes).
7. Cup Formats – T20 Cup Premier Division and Division 1. Both Cups will start on August 25th 2024
Shield T20 Cup will be Divisions 2, 3 and 4. Group matches will be 15 Overs matches. All Knockout Games will be T20 Games. Full details will be published on the website nearer the time before August.
8. Professional Player Rule- was distributed to all teams, and will be published on the website under Rules. Divisions 2, 3, and 4 voted to have NO Professional players.