De-Registration and Registration of Players

Please not that if you wish to De-Register a player from your Team then you must email, informing them that you wish to De-Register the player or Players (naming the Player and your Team)

Please see a couple of examples:

1. If you have 25 players registered then you will not be able to register any further players until you have De-Registered players. You cannot exceed 25 Players.
2. If you have registered 18 players, then you can register 7 more players, but if you wish to register 8 Players then you will have to Re-register ONE Player before a NEW registration can be actioned.
The system will not let you upload more than a total of 25 players.
Please remember you must email the league advising them that you wish to De-Register player/s.
The deadline to register players is 6pm every Wednesday until 3rd July 2024.
Any player registrations submitted after 6pm on a Wednesday will Not be available for collection on the Friday of that week.
De-Register in good time, as the process is that your email will be received, and forwarded to the ADMIN, who will action the De-Registration, and then allow the New registration to take place. This all takes time.
No cards will be issued without the payment fee of 5 per card.
Collection of NEW ID cards will be on Friday between 10am and 5pm from-

291, Birchfield Road
B20 3DD.

Please remember the office is closed after 5pm on a Friday, and then reopens on the MONDAY, unless it is a Bank Holiday, then it will be a Tuesday.